Thursday, May 28, 2009


I feel restless again
And I wonder when you’ll come to me.
I wait for you in dreams,
In waking,
In the chilly night air.
Alone, I wait.
I don’t know why
Or what
Or how
Or when,
Only will and I only hope
I hope for something tangible and indescribable.
A conundrum for a dreamer.

Love Only

You collapse into me.
I believe in it.
A glimpse,
A spark,
A sort of torrid downpour
And I believe we’d dance
Inside a blanket of rain.
And, I believe you
Would come to me,
Awaken all the senses
That I’m sure
Are tired of being dormant.
Oh, I am sure
That you would
Take me into yours
And lay a million
Thriving flowers at my feet
And then sing to me
A song so rich
I feel I could
Burst at the seams
Of a life
I wish to give you.
Oh, I’m sure you’d
Collapse into me
And bring me to you,
Because I believe
There is no other way.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Messy Daisy

I wonder if you know,
If you know I fall inside
your words
and they box me up so tight
and they comfort me in dreams
and sometimes I swear
you've set upon my life
a script for me to read,
because you know the lyrics
to my background
better than I know
the words I myself do sing.


Tonight I bring myself to restlessness,
Awake until my bones beg for comfort.
Its these nights I've come to fear.
An un-rested spirit has an open soul
And the night is a blank board
To pin my thoughts upon.
I'm near certainty
in that i believe I always find
Myself this way.
I'm a pinprick in my own design,
Unread, untouched, and restless
To be heard.
And, I don't know what brings me to myself
When the only light I feel
Is from another's lamp,
But my heart is a restless annoyance tonight.
So, I find I count the stars
And label each with misery
And call them friends,
Because that restless desire has set in
And no one else will do.

Black Cat

When you dream
it feels so right.
Its like a wondering child
who imagines his bed
and never thinks
of the creaks
and the cracks
or the dripping faucet
which keeps him awake
and brings out the monsters,
and he never manages
to sleep
as well as he wanted,
as well as he dreamed.

You faded so fast, i wondered if you were ever really there.

What's the point of madness
so deep,
so cunning,
so beautiful?
The doves came out to play
and that song ran through my head.
It was saying,
"Enough will never be enough,"
so why try so hard
to get it all in
before the end of the road
comes upon us.
And, oh,
it's quicker than we know.

Heartbreak of a Pilgrim

I've tried to believe in you for so long,
tried to hold on -so tight-
to a faith I find heart-breakingly intangible.
And, I wonder so often if its me,
who is numb, or if
you're just not speaking to me?
I think about you constantly,
wonder when you'll come my way
and I look for you in images of those I love,
yet only flickers remain.
I suppose its possible
they're only in my mind.
I've always wished I could see you,
wished my heart would split open
and rip to shreds
over a love I can't even imagine,
but I find,
I am alone
and no one cradles me at night.

I Must Say

I will walk to your funeral
In my nicest dress,
Carrying the prettiest flowers
You’d never pick for me.
I will begin to count my blessings
One by one
And when I'm done
I will count on you no more.
It seems as though
I lost myself
In the way you used to toss me around
And I was always nowhere
To be found among the messes that you made.
Always waking to your screams
Of a nightmare you never lived
And I can no longer count myself
Accountable for the pain I did not bring myself.
I will skip the steps
You made me miss
And I will begin to ascend
To a greater height
Of a magnitude you'd never dream.
And I will hold my own hand
As I look down upon the place
That's now so far from me
And I will press them to my heart,
Because only I look out for me.
And in my time
I will find a heart to press unto,
But though my heart has not found that heart,
It no longer beats for you.